So, I've not blogged on here in a while, so thought best to ping up a quick update.
FUN inc. is growing.
We are up to 21 members, with many more coming on our roams.
We are developing an active discord community, with more than 100 active people on the discord server now.
We are up to 1362 kills and nearly 316bn destroyed on the killboard.
We have seen month on month growth in the number of members
We have seen month on month growth in the number of kills.
we are maintaining a decent killboard efficiency - in light of the fact that some of our pilots often solo, and the principal gang type is generally between 6 and 10 players where we often fight forces greater than ours. To be hitting ~75% efficiency is pretty good for a corp our size
For a small corp that is pretty good!
We are recruiting, and looking for like-minded small gang pvpers that don't worry about taking on fight outnumbered and outgunned using their brain to succeed in a fight.
Your personality is key - we want nice friendly approachable pilots with a collaborative attitude who want to contribute to making this corp great.
If you fancy some FUN in your life, then you need look no further!